A magazine on religious liberty and human rights
Know More on the “Anti-Cult” Activity Undertaken by the CCP.
Importing a typical attitude of European anti-cultists, Suzuki claims he “almost won” a case he lost. In this article, the attorney who defeated him explains why.
Český antikultovní religionista předložil nesprávný výklad toho, jaké důsledky by mělo zrušení registrace svědků Jehovových v jeho zemi.
The Czech anti-cult professor offered an incorrect representation of what consequences the dissolution of the Jehovah’s Witnesses would have in his country.
Most scholars have abandoned a word that has no definition and no borders. It is used only as a derogatory term to stigmatize “the other.” Yet, in Japan it is still current.
Les activistes anti-sectes pensaient qu’en reproduisant un article de « Charlie Hebdo », ils pouvaient refuser de corriger leurs propos diffamatoires, puisque « Charlie Hebdo » n’avait pas été poursuivi. Ils se sont trompés.
Anti-cultists believed that by reproducing an article by “Charlie Hebdo” they could refuse to correct their defamatory statements, as “Charlie Hebdo” had not been sued. They were wrong.
Via Confienza 19
10121 Torino