The Blood Libel Anti-Semitic Myth. 3. The Case of Trent, 1475
Although several Popes condemned the anti-Jewish accusations as slanderous, the death of the child Simonino in Trent in 1475 led to the execution of several Jews.
A magazine on religious liberty and human rights
Although several Popes condemned the anti-Jewish accusations as slanderous, the death of the child Simonino in Trent in 1475 led to the execution of several Jews.
While older precedents exist, we know that the legend claiming that Jews ritually kill Christians, as we know it, originated in England in the 12th century.
Jews have been killed for centuries based on a slanderous accusation. While often repeated, that it is false is certain. Let’s see why.
An outspoken and controversial conservative Catholic, the Ukrainian Canadian artist picked up some memorable fights for freedom of religion.
Brainwashing theories: origins, application in the military field, and to religious groups, up to their discredit. Are mind control theories making a comeback?
Modern scholars and novelists have included freedom of religion among the causes the masked avenger supposedly fought for.
A perverse mechanism prevents members of the persecuted religion from voting, excluding them from the democratic process.
The worst court decision justifying the persecution of Ahmadis was rendered in 1993. Nor did the situation improve later.
Both the Islamic socialist Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto and the Muslim radical General Zia-ul-Haq enacted anti-Ahmadis law that are still in force.
Via Confienza 19
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